ways to calm down when you're feeling anxious

Friday, September 23, 2016

We have a 16 day trip to Europe coming up soon and I am sure you can imagine already, but I am feeling incredibly anxious. As the days pass, I realize how much there is to do to prepare, on top of the stuff we're already doing.
I used to consider myself very laidback and the go-with-the-flow type. Introduce a husband and now a child, I've learned that's not the case. And I think I've always had some anxious tendencies, I often just ignored them and didn't have anyone to point them out (thanks, husband) I used to just shut down when I felt too overwhelmed. I'm thankful for a husband who seems to know me more than I know myself. Learning that I do get stressed and anxious easily, instead of pretending that I don't has changed how I react to anxiety. Instead of just pretending that it doesn't exist and then completely shutting down, I've learned how to act on it.
Now, I am still learning, more of who I am and how I respond to circumstances. As well, as how to best ease my heart and mind. I know that anxiety is a very real thing for a lot of people, and there are different degrees as to how others experience it. Today, I just want to share a little of my experience and the things I've been doing lately to combat it and to move forward.
On top of planning of a big out-of-country trip, we've been very busy. I have so many things running around my head that I often don't know where to start. In an effort to not let my anxiety just consume me, I've been working hard to make time to calm down and clear my head.

1. Write it down
When in doubt, I always pull out my journal or a piece of paper and write down a list. Even if I don't look at it again, just getting it out of my head and onto paper helps tremendously
2. two-minute rule
I can't remember where I heard this, but it has been so helpful. Anything on your list that you can do in under two minutes, like a quick phone call, a text, or putting something away. Do it immediately. There's no reason to let simple tasks go undone and further keep you from working on bigger things
3. Clean up around you
Even if it's the room you're sitting in or working in.
4. Sit down
Grab a cup of tea or coffee, and gather some of your thoughts.
5. Put off the things that can wait or are not significant
I am the queen of procrastination. But, I love the challenge of a deadline. I often use big events as a way to finish up any looming projects. I've been wanting to overhaul this blog all summer, and for some reason before our big trip seemed like the ideal time. Once I decided to wait a little longer on this, it freed so much time and extra stress.
6. Action Plan
Write out a few things that you can accomplish that day or the next, and work on only those things. Anything extra will be awesome! Pick the things that absolutely need to get done, that's important.

I often like to combine all of these. Lately in the evenings I clean up our living room, finish any simple tasks that I can do easily and quickly, make myself a cup of tea, and grab my journal. Clearing my head, putting it on paper, writing out my next day, and prioritizing what absolutely needs to get done and what can wait.

While there are many more things that I do, or sometimes I switch it up and do something different, this is what has been helping me these couple of weeks. While I definitely still feel some anxiousness, I don't feel like its too much. Well, maybe a little much! ha! But, here's to getting everything done and enjoying our travels!!

Let me in on your tips and tricks on calming down when you feel anxious, what do you find helps you?

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