cheesy valentines

Tuesday, February 09, 2016

These awesomely, cheesy valentines are from last valentine's day. This is only a handful of all of the puntastic creations I came up (googled) with. I spent the week before valentine's day writing all of these out and went grocery shopping for all of the items and set them out after Jordan went to sleep the night before. He woke up the next morning with a kitchen full of little gifts and valentines with bad puns. There were also some scattered throughout the house. 

Jordan surprisingly loves cheesy things like this. Since he often doesn't love smaller gifts, and I can't quite afford the kayak off his wishlist for valentine's, I decided to go this route and go to the grocery. Because, who doesn't love food? 

I'm pretty sure he loved it. In fact, the soda bottle I got him (Soda, you want to be my valentine?" is still on his bedside table. Chelsey was helping me go through some clothes and tidy our room this weekend, and he wouldn't let her throw it out. I'm glad he has fond memories of this. 

So, if you don't have any ideas for valentine's day to show some love for your hubby, boyfriend, or friend, this is a fun and lighthearted way to show them you care. You obviously don't need to do as many as I did, but I fall into the 'go big or go home' camp. This year, I am definitely going home, but that's ok, because it would be pretty hard to top this anyway. Jordan is working this year, so maybe we will just make homemade pizzas or something, hopefully in the shape of hearts. Handwritten cards also go a long way with Jordan, so I will definitely write one. 

I'm still requesting flowers though. 

Do you have any big plans for Valentine's Day? Would you surprise your loved one with a million ridiculously cheesy valentines? 

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