we're going to Europe!
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
We booked a flight to Paris for this fall.
All of this seemed to happen pretty quick, once we realized that it would actually work.
If you remember when I shared the places I wanted to travel this year, I always thought this would be the year, but we didn't think it would really happen. But, guys... it's happening!
We were already planning to take a week vacation in the fall and couldn't quite decide where to go. As we were looking over Jordan's schedule for his next year in residency, we noticed the fall was available for a longer leave. The flights were so cheap to paris, Ruby would still be under two, and we're not sure when another opportunity will come. So, we're going.
I've never been to Europe!
So, I need your help!
Here are the questions running through my mind currently:
How do we survive a 10 hour flight (on top of a 5 hour drive to the airport)
Where do we stay in Paris?
Should we go to Amsterdam?
We're definitely going to Barcelona too, what should we see there?
We also want to do some hiking there too... are there some good spots?
What do we need to see?
What can we skip out on (bc we will have a toddler)
Yeah, how do you explore Europe with a toddler?
and many others...