simplifying memories

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

I remember taking these photos three months ago. This was around the time Ruby developed her love for the stairs, and really all things climbing. The light was pouring into the room, and I took way too many photos.
I remember sorting through and trying my hardest to pair down these photos. I love all of them, the blinking eyes, the blurry ones, and the funny faces. 
Though, it's amazing what time can do. Now she climbs up and down the stairs daily, and I have many photos of her on these exact stairs. 
Today, it was easy to comb through photos, and pick a handful of my favorites. But, I learned why it's so hard for me to erase these memories. 
It's my responsibility to savor all of these moments. I need to be the memory keeper, to tell her one day about our simple moments. The little ways we spent our day. 
I'm putting too much pressure on myself, and need to let go a little. 
I love photographs, but I don't want too many photos. I don't want repeats or unnecessary photos cluttering my favorites. 
I want to tell our story, but in a way that doesn't feel forced and out of obligation.
Now, when sorting through photos after taking them, I'm going to look forward. What will I truly want to remember 3 months from now, or even years from now? 
& these are the exact moments I want to remember. 
her wide-eyed face full of curiosity
& her big smiles and dimples
& her goofy chuckle

I am mostly waiting to declutter sentimental items in our home, like notes & photographs once we get through everything else. Though I have been working on creating a system for organizing, storing, and backing up photos on our hard drive. Please let me know what works for you, especially what has worked for the long haul. & please tell me I am not the only one frantic about preserving all these sweet smiles. 

p.s. i didn't mean for this post to be about simplifying, it just took that course when i started writing out words. probably because I am currently working on simplifying our home, you can read more about that HERE 


Photos taken on 28 April 2016
A good friend of mine, Maddie, owner of the cutest etsy shop, obtlove, sent over some of the most darling headbands, including this one she's wearing. Her shop is currently taking a little break, but they will be up and running again soon! 

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