cookie for breakfast

Saturday, January 05, 2013

this was so easy and simple, i'm a little mad at myself that i haven't made it sooner. well, maybe it's because we just got a cast iron skillet for christmas and what way to break it in than to make a big cookie? there is absolutely no better way. all you have to do is get some cookie dough and smash it down, no need to cover every part, just most and it will spread out. i made mine relatively thin to feel a tiny bit better for eating it for breakfast (yes, breakfast). i baked mine around 15 minutes and it was perfect. then top it with ice cream, grab some spoons and share. voila. 

this also is probably the reason jordan and i got a juicer, and are planning on going on a juice fast next week. so i will have to share about that, it will be adventure for sure. i also signed up for another half-marathon! which reminds me that i haven't shared about the one we ran this fall.. i'll find those photos and post them soon. so, this might be the last time you will see something like this on here for a while.

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