the beginning

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

start to some adventures! 
i found this beauty on the side of the road yesterday! what a find, it has a great structure, made of wood and great hardware. so far i have cleaned it (multiple times and with bleach) and am brainstorming ideas. i am thinking a bold kelly green. eh? 

brandon and i found this guy in the garage, what a great find! we cleaned him up and he's looking extra sharp. what do you think he would look like as a chalkboard? 

brandon and i picked up a couple of pallets. we are going to break them a part and make a bookshelf... well at least that's the plan now. we are also going this friday to pick up some barnwood! so, this little guy might be pushed aside if we don't do anything with him until then.

i also started training for a half-marathon this fall. yikes!

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