valentine's day

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

jordan and i typically don't go overboard for valentine's day. but, this year it was a different case. as i mentioned in this post, february was just pretty crazy, with starting a new job that was a little more difficult than i thought. it was hard for me to share how hard it was, because i wanted to be excited, but after sharing with jordan just how tough it was, i think he knew i would enjoy something a little special for valentine's day.

jordan met me in indianapolis, which was really nice to be able to see him after school, and not have to worry about getting up super early to make the hour long commute to work. he planned out the entire evening. first we had dinner at bazbeaux pizza.

My favorite part of the night was that Jordan got us a hotel room in Indianapolis. It was only ten minutes from the school I am teaching at currently. It meant so much to me, especially since I have been staying in Indy through the week. It was so special to just spend an evening together and a morning together, and to not rush out of the house so early in the morning.

the hotel was interesting in the fact that it used to be an old train station. they kept up the appearance well and still used some of the old features of the station. next to our room in the hallway was an old track and train.

to end the night, we went for a swim in the pool at the hotel, had chocolate-covered strawberries that jordan had made and some champagne. and went to bed early! it was so nice and great fun to be had on a thursday night.

oh, but here's a funny story... as i said, the hotel was an old train station, so at about 11 o'clock, we heard this loud obnoxious noise that sounded and felt like the train next to us was about to ram into our room. of course, jordan managed to not notice at first and sleep through the loud noise (unbelievable) but then we checked in the hallway and saw nothing, but a bunch of other concerned guests. we finally concluded that it was possibly supposed to happen as a feature of staying at a former train station. it happened two other times throughout the night and every time it was just as shocking. i woke up in the morning with a headache, but laughing that this managed to happen when we were planning for a restful evening. apparently the tracks by the train still run, they just don't use the station anymore. looking back on it, i still don't know how we didn't know about it before. 

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