on election day, i invited my bible study over to help with the trimming of our house and to eat dinner and tons of sweets. it seemed so early at the time, but i'm glad we did it then, time seems to go by so fast november and december. and since jordan and i visit our families for the holidays, it's nice to enjoy our own, decorated and cheerful home for as long as we can.
we made an awesome gingerbread (graham cracker) house.
good friends!
the incredible architects for the house, and suzanne the baker who helped when she thought the icing that i made was inadequate (which it kind of was... i'll admit it)
see more by clicking the link below...
ben even got his own decorations, remember when his hair looked like that?
thanks to rachel our tree is beautifully adorned with popcorn strands
and here are most of the girls! (i think i got most of you that were missing for this photo in the above pictures) thanks for making our fall so fun and exciting. we love you and are thankful for you!
I'm Katelyn, a creative who finds beauty in the little things. I like the windows open and vases filled with flowers. I photograph and write about the mostly small but sometimes big adventures we find in our daily lives.
And this is my sweet, sweet family. My favorite person, Jordan and our little Ruby.