hello again

Monday, February 18, 2013

sorry for the radio silence over here. i'll explain. for starters, it's february. i love january, for it's newness, it's exciting. and i don't know why i always give into this, but every single year i think that it means spring is coming soon. then february comes and the groundhog tells me it still has a while yet. and i just want those peaches again, forget spring, i want summer!

secondly, i got a new job. i am now teaching art at an elementary school in indianapolis (it's a good eighty minutes away from here) it's really tough, i wish i had better things to say about it, but i'm ready for summer already. teaching, especially in a city is no easy task. since it's such a long commute i've been staying with family through the week. (thanks!) jordan and i will be moving up in may! so hopefully by then i will have my bearings and you will see some updates on here. (and it will be spring! oh, i can't wait!) i'll try to squeeze in a few here & there too! 

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  1. wow! so will jordan be commuting next year or switching campuses? i love your updates, and i'm so glad those little people will have you loving on them.


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