well, hello. i know it has been a very long time since i have given an update on here. we have been quite occupied with big life changes. the best life change by far is our little ruby girl, who is 5 months now, and three months in the photo above. i'm not sure if anyone keeps up with this blog (feel free to say hi and comment below, so i know i'm not alone!!) but, now that i am finding myself with a little free time, i hope to stop by and share a little of our life with you. ruby is waking up from her nap now... so i will update you with all of our other life changes later. good catching up again. :)
Of course while we were in Seattle we had to visit their iconic public market. We saw the first starbucks (but, chose not to wait in the long line) watched men throwing fish, visited the gum wall, and enjoyed all of the other shops. click here for the rest of the photos
My cousin, Kyle recently moved to Seattle and showed us around the locks. There were some beautiful gardens and great views of the water. I am sure Jordan has some issues with the locks now after watching damnation many times on netflix. Even so, it was fun to see the boats go through as well as to see the salmon getting by as well. click here to see the rest of the photos.
It's been WAY too long since I have last updated. I have over a thousand photos from our trip this summer that I am now getting back to organizing and editing. Once we got back, I started back to teaching which is always crazy in the beginning of the year and about a month later learned that we will be having a baby in May! Life has been pretty crazy since then and now that I have been feeling better I am starting to get some motivation.
Anyway, this seems so far ago now that it's 5 and already getting dark. I would love to be on a beach right now in sandals. Jordan and I loved exploring Seattle and this park was beautiful. In true Seattle fashion, it was very cloudy, but I was happy to see some blue skies on this day.
I cannot wait to go through the rest of these photos and share them!
Our first evening in Seattle was spent at the Seattle Mariners baseball game. It was a perfect evening and I could not get enough of the views from the stadium. we had a great time catching up with the Sonoffs and goofing off in our sweet Mariners socks.
|click here to see the rest of the post|
This summer Jordan and I had the opportunity to visit the west coast. Jordan had a rotation in California for the month of July. We decided to take advantage of it and see as much as we could. Our Bloomington friends, Ashley and Kevin moved to Seattle the same time we moved to Indy. We couldn't possibly fly all the way over the country without stopping by and saying hello all while getting the best tour of their city.
Out of all of our flights and layovers, which were many, Jordan and I only shared one. I was in Seattle for an entire afternoon before Jordan arrived. My dear friend Ashley was so sweet and packed us a lunch to eat at a park overlooking the skyline. It was great to have that time to catch up and just rest all while taking in these spectacular views. So, so thankful for the Sonoffs and how awesome our trip was because of them.
Someone spelled 'Breathe' with ribbon in the fence, see it?
A beautiful city! Wishing I was back there today, and mostly so that I would know that this would be the only day that was this beautiful on our trip. Rainy Seattle, I still like you too.
While we were visiting Jordan's parents in South Carolina we stopped by the cutest berry farm. We spent the morning picking and eating blackberries and blueberries. We spent the rest of the week there eating handfuls and throwing them into the crepes we were perfecting. We're so glad that we have this beautiful place that we can visit and explore time and time again.
It was so hard to resist eating the berries!! We had to do several tests to make sure we were picking the ripest ones.
It was so hard to resist eating the berries!! We had to do several tests to make sure we were picking the ripest ones.