what are your morning rhythms?
Thursday, October 20, 2016
thoughts on trying to be a better morning person
Any morning people out there? Because I'm not. I'm the kind of person that walks around like a zombie before my cup of coffee. I need a solid hour before I can think clearly and am most definitely a night owl. I would much rather sleep in than go to bed early.
Although these days my sleep schedule has changed a bit. After traveling for so long and on top of that, struggling with jetlag, our normal rhythms are a bit off. The seven hour time adjustment was rough, but has meant that we've been getting up earlier than normal. I'm actually awake and ready to go in the morning. It's weird. (or maybe it's because on the inside I'm still in Paris and it's the middle of the afternoon) One morning this week we were all up at 5am and decided to make a big breakfast before Jordan went into work. It was such a sweet time together and all before the day even started!
All of this has inspired me, and I really would love to be a better morning person. To accomplish daily tasks first thing. Or really just enjoying a nice breakfast instead of what I can grab from the pantry.
I like change and preparing for the colder seasons seems like a good time to try and switch it up. It can be so dark in the winter, so I like the idea of waking up with the sun.
Before my morning energy fades, I would love to hear from you. What routines do you do every morning? Any recovering non-morning people out there?
What do morning people do? Teach me your ways.