jordan and i went apple and pumpkin picking this past fall at tuttles orchard. we spent the entire afternoon on the orchard searching for good apples. it was nearing the end of the season so there wasn't much to pick from, the only good thing about it being so late was that we were able to pick pumpkins too! we had caramel apples, apple cider, pumpkin donuts and corn on the cob. this was our first time doing this and it's going to be a tradition to come.
kelly and i were in milwaukee for a wedding and had a few hours to kill, we didn't know where we were, but we found some pretty places. i love that kelly likes taking photos as much as i do. some of these may be cheesy, but just know that this is a very small number compared to what i started out with. i love that weeping willow.
there may be a foot of snow outside, but i am dreaming of warm autumn days. i am finally getting some extra time to edit these photos from this past fall. these were from october! get ready for a lot of posts that should have been up a long time ago. my goal (again) this year is to keep up to date on here and edit photos as I take them.
-- these were taken during a weekend visit to chicago. I visited my friend kelly and she graciously joined me to a wedding so i didn't have to go stag. she also showed me around her beautiful city. we spent a sunny afternoon in lincoln park. it feels like a dream now as we're experiencing record breaking cold temperatures!
i am not ashamed to say that our house has been decorated since early november. since we're typically not home for the holidays we take advantage of enjoying the warmth and joy of holiday decorations for as long as we can. in fact, it was jordan who wanted to set up the tree and we listened to christmas music, "watched" a roaring fire from our computer screen and lit all the candles. i'm an advocate for decorating early for christmas and an advocate on snow in the ground in november and december and not in february and march. i am excited for a break this friday. and time to just be with my husband. here's to finishing everything off my to do list by friday, so that we can have a restful two weeks! cheers!
I'm Katelyn, a creative who finds beauty in the little things. I like the windows open and vases filled with flowers. I photograph and write about the mostly small but sometimes big adventures we find in our daily lives.
And this is my sweet, sweet family. My favorite person, Jordan and our little Ruby.