my brothers and my brother's fiance met me in indy one sunday in april (we were still living in bloomington) i was excited to show them around indy, even though i didn't have many suggestions on what to do, we decided to go to the indianapolis zoo. it was the first really warm day of spring and we were excited to be outside. even the animals seemed excited and ready to be on the move. we spent longer than we intended, because the animals were so fun to watch.
this is my little brother, and our friend for the day, he was so fun to watch, i just wanted to pet him.
look at these guys soaking up the sun, they had the right idea
if you live near indy and haven't been to the zoo i highly suggest that you do! it isn't the best zoo, but it was affordable and fun. i'm hoping that since it was so early in the year they didn't have as much going on, and i think they were even building a new exhibit, so i will definitely check it out again this summer!