last day at the hospital and heading home with baby ruby

Friday, April 29, 2016

 We stayed late in the afternoon at the hospital. I was sort of lingering, because I didn't really want to leave. Jordan had our bags packed that morning. We loved our hospital experience in Indy. Our room was nice and big and filled with natural light and everyone was so helpful.
 Ruby's bag is all packed! :)
 I love this photo Jordan snapped of him holding her. 
OK, so there are lots of random photos too, but I can't make yet another post!
I just want to eat her, and those cheeks, and that arm chub. 

 Papa changing Ruby's diaper! I think this may have been the first time. and confession: I didn't change one diaper while we were at the hospital.
 Getting Ruby dressed to head home!
 First time putting on any clothing! We just kept Ruby in a diaper and swaddle blanket the entire time we were at the hospital.
 This is one of my favorite photos of these two!
 See Ruby all the way over there? Don't mind mama and papa enjoying a nice hospital lunch over here.
 Those arm rolls!
And we are heading home!

Ruby's Birth Story
Meeting Family
First Bath at the Hospital

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