falafel mondays

Monday, November 05, 2012

 jordan and i have this new tradition. we go to falafels in bloomington the first monday of the month for lunch. it's a great tradition, mostly because of the free fries with lunch on mondays. and jordan and i typically don't have lunch together, so it's extra special. also, today was a beautiful day to be downtown in bloomington.!
 the grilled flatbread and fries are so good...
 but the falafel. i don't know what we are going to do when we leave bloomington. because this is seriously the best falafel.
it's our little way of making mondays better, nothing like a nice lunch date to start the week! 

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  1. ah, the falafel! so good.

  2. yes! jordan said that you all might come down for a game with evie... we need to go then!


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