i wanted to share some thoughts on juicing. i think i mentioned it before, jordan i got a juicer for Christmas. excited to put it to use we went on a 3 day juice fast. and i have an overload of information to share. watch this documentary and i bet you will be joining the juicing train too.
hopefully soon i will have recipes to share, there are some on our window up there, but i didn't keep track well enough to really give you a solid recipe with good reviews. i do have some advice to share though. we started this in true kaytea fashion, on a complete whim, we watched a documentary, got a juicer and immediately juiced all the fruits and veggies on hand. i did do some research before going to the grocery store, but mostly just picked up things that i liked, i avoided the tomatos and beets, and stocked up on lots of citrus, apples, spinach and kale. i think that's my number one suggestion... is to start juicing things you already like. it will make it a lot more enjoyable.
even though i looked up recipes, i didn't follow them, so my second is, that maybe you should? although mostly enjoyed everything i made, i got a little too excited to juice all kinds of things that i would just put everything through the juicer. even if you don't have a juicer, maybe stick to 3 ingredients and if it tastes bad, add an apple (i did this many times) you can see above that i did write down what i put into the juice, this was helpful in figuring out what i liked together like oranges and blackberries, yum. and add a giant handful of spinach to anything and you're golden.
even though i looked up recipes, i didn't follow them, so my second is, that maybe you should? although mostly enjoyed everything i made, i got a little too excited to juice all kinds of things that i would just put everything through the juicer. even if you don't have a juicer, maybe stick to 3 ingredients and if it tastes bad, add an apple (i did this many times) you can see above that i did write down what i put into the juice, this was helpful in figuring out what i liked together like oranges and blackberries, yum. and add a giant handful of spinach to anything and you're golden.
lastly, if you want a pretty looking juice, stick to the same color family, so you don't end up with that ugly brown guy there in the middle (even though it was pretty good!) this didn't make sense to me at first because i've trained myself to eat different colored fruits and veggies, but it really helps to make something taste better when it looks pretty. like that dark green or pink. i hope this is helpful, i definitely recommend juicing. i felt so clean afterward. although, i'm still not sure if it gave me energy (though i started training for a halfmarathon at the same time, another bit of advice: that's a bad idea) i want to do this again soon and share pairing ideas! like how great cantaloupe and carrot go together. in the mean time we've been making fresh orange juice, which is as good as it gets.